American Water Summit
November 15th-17th, 2022 Los Angeles, CA, USA
Water shortage is a growing concern for climate change within the Western United States. The need for a platform where these concerns can be discussed is now more critical than ever. The American Water Summit will be held in Los Angeles from the 15th-17th.
The theme for the 2022 event is #Re-ThinkingWater. At this event, primary discussions will focus on water reuse which is one of the primary focuses in the Semiconductor industry today. Water is a precious, life-giving resource, and we at Trebor are passionate about its proper stewardship. This is the 12th water summit and the first back in person in 3 years. The event will feature several technical discussions by executive-level individuals whose business is entirely water focused. More than 80% of these companies in attendance are based right here in the US. Important subjects such as PFAS disposal will also be discussed at the event, which is an essential topic in the semiconductor industry that we serve. The event will involve companies in the pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage as well as oil and gas. This diverse meeting of the minds is sure to move the needle in the right direction toward best practices in water usage.
For more information and to register for this event, please visit americanwatersummit.com.